Through affiliation with UNESCO, the MUWBR staff often have the opportunity to share their experiences as guest speakers at international networking events. Each of these events is an opportunity for the Manicouagan-Uapishka BR community to connect with other inspiring sites and initiatives in the worldwide network, driving the initiatives implemented by the MUWBR and its partners and instilling a sense of innovation as a result. Here are some examples:

Spain – 3rd MAB World Congress of BR
In 2008, the MUWBR attended the third MAB World Congress of BR in Madrid, Spain. The staff gave a talk in the opening plenary, in front of an audience of more than 1,000 attendees, an honour reserved for only one representative per major region; in the case of the Manicouagan-Uapishka BR, the region included all of Europe and North America. Since this congress took place only a few months after the MUWBR received its official designation, it contributed to instantly promoting the MUWBR across the worldwide network and provided the basis of several opportunities for collaboration as a result. On that occasion, the MUWBR also organized a round table on private sector partnership with the Kruger Corporation, one of its founding partners.

Peru – 4th MAB World Congress of BR
In 2016, the MUWBR attended the fourth MAB World Congress of BR in Lima, Peru. Staff members again made a presentation to the entire audience, this time on the EuroMAB Communication Strategy. Concurrent presentations were also made with the NordMAB network, including one on the application of sustainable development in the mining industry with the International Resource Panel (IRP) and another on the role of youth in the territories of experimentation and innovation that are biosphere reserves.

Iceland – Arctic Circle
In 2015, the MUWBR attended the Arctic Circle Forum in Reykjavik, Iceland, the largest international gathering on northern issues. Together with its partners, the Sami of Grän and the Innu of Pessamit, the MUWBR organized a joint presentation of the partnership for an international audience. This event was repeated in 2017, this time with a presentation of the Uapishka Station with a representative of the Innu Council of Pessamit in attendance.

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