Our organization

The MUWBR is a not-for-profit organization that manages the UNESCO status. Its unique operations model is based on entrepreneurial DNA and a flair for business. Operating under the principles of social enterprise, the organization is driven by the wish to make a concrete social impact on its community.

Engage in a process to design and co-create significant projects and contribute to breathing life into and promoting models of vibrant, inclusive and innovative communities.


Act as a vector of cohesion and inspire meaningful actions, by addressing our role with rigour, pride and conviction.


Promote interactions and the specific values and interests of different Nations and all other forms of life coexisting on the territory.


Grant ourselves the freedom to explore ground breaking, bold solutions and promote the outcome of such experimentation to support ongoing improvement.

Our Purpose

The MUWBR acts as a sustainable development reference and catalyst to promote this approach in every sphere of activity in the region.

Our Vision

To be a model of sustainable development and stand out within a world network of excellence.

Our Purpose

The MUWBR acts as a sustainable development reference and catalyst to promote this approach in every sphere of activity in the region.

Our Vision

To be a model region of sustainable development and stand out within a world network of excellence.

About Our Services


To achieve its mission in the best possible way, the MUWBR founded three business units: MU Conseils, a participatory strategy consulting firm; the Uapishka Station, a scientific research and ecotourism facility; and Biosphere, a project development component for environmental and human-based research, education and continuous monitoring. These business units complement each other and sustain themselves in carrying out the functions of a biosphere reserve.

Participatory Strategies consulting services
Scientific research Station and ecotourism basecamp
Scientific, environmental and educational projects development

Founding Partners

Our founding partners are individuals who believed in the project from the beginning; they first met in 2002 to start the venture. They were impressed with the international visibility that this status would provide and the benefits of joining the worldwide network of biosphere reserves in terms of relevant experience and expertise

Founding Partners

Our founding partners are individuals who believed in the project from the beginning; they first met in 2002 to start the venture. They were impressed with the international visibility that this status would provide and the benefits of joining the worldwide network of biosphere reserves in terms of relevant experience and expertise.

Meet the Entire Family

Be Part of the Community

The MUWBR provides the public and its partners with the opportunity to become more involved in our collective project by becoming a member. There are two membership options available: Individual (only individual members may be elected to the board of administrators) or Corporate (NPO, SMEs and institutions or major corporations).


Find out more about our job opportunities and why you should join our team!