Our business units

To achieve its mission in the best possible way, the MUWBR founded three business units: MU Conseils, a participatory strategy consulting firm; the Uapishka Station, a scientific research and ecotourism facility; and Biosphere, a project development component for environmental and human-based research, education and continuous monitoring. These business units complement each other and sustain themselves in carrying out the functions of a biosphere reserve.

Mu Conseils

Consulting services

Building on innovative collaborative approaches, MU Conseils promotes the transition of organizations and society as a whole to a culture of participation. The firm offers consulting services without any geographical restrictions.

Strategic Planning</p>
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Strategic Planning

Consulting services provided to strengthen a vision, achieve bold actions or build commitment
Community Project</p>
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Community Project

Support in transforming ideas into structuring and engaging community projects
Social Acceptability</p>
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Social Acceptability

Project integration analysis, community relationship strategies, sustainable development performance management, partnerships and Indigenous outreach

Uapishka Station

Scientific research and ecotourism Station

Co-founded by the MUWBR and the Conseil des Innus de Pessamit, the Uapishka Station is the perfect place in the backcountry of Manicouagan to live a true northern experience while learning about the richness of the Indigenous heritage.

Outdoor Experience & Aboriginal Tourism</p>
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Outdoor Experience & Aboriginal Tourism

Guided explorations on the Groulx Mountains and across the “Oeil du Québec” (Manicouagan Reservoir), Indigenous workshops, sports and leisure activities
Accommodation and food service</p>
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Accommodation and food service

Innovative, energy-efficient lodge, prospectors’ camps, cabins, dormitories, camping
Research Support</p>
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Research Support

Fully equipped scientific facilities to attract the presence of researchers and northern studies


Driving structuring projects

Biosphere develops scientific, environmental and educational projects on the UNESCO-designated territory. Some projects are also implemented and conducted by the Uapishka Foundation, a registered charity.

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Promoting education by conducting environmental and human-based research and continuous monitoring projects
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Protecting the environment through projects that help to preserve or restore terrestrial, aquatic and urban ecosystems and biodiversity and to adapt to or mitigate climate change
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Promoting public education by providing training programs on global citizenship and Indigenous cultures and supporting sustainable development in the face of climate change