Since 2013, the MUBR has been leading the management committee comprising a host of stakeholders with a close connection to this protected area in the Uapishka (Groulx) Mountains sector.
- The management committee’s purpose is to advise the Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte aux changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP) on decisions to be made regarding the implementation of the biodiversity reserve’s conservation strategy.
- Facilitating management committee meetings
- Drafting the master plan and action plan
- Acquiring scientific data under the ecological integrity monitoring program to inform decision-making
- Contributing to the development of scientific research in the Uapishka (Groulx) massif
- Implementing a snowmobiling protocol
- Ensuring safety in the massif
- Conseil des Innus de Pessamit
- MRC Manicouagan
- MRC Caniapiscau
- Société des Amis des monts Groulx
- Tourisme Côte-Nord
- CEGEP de Baie-Comeau / Centre d’expérimentation et de développement en forêt (CEDFOB)
- Environnement Côte-Nord
- Association des motoneigistes du Nord
- Nature Québec
- Ongoing project
2022-2025 Management Plan
*In French only