Owing to its strategic location and unique subarctic and boreal geographic features, the Uapishka Station is a prime location for research projects.

However, the hinterland has been little studied to date. With a view to improve our understanding of the territory and the way it is managed, the acquisition of long-term data is essential.

Therefore, the MUBR and the Uapishka Station, in cooperation with Indigenous stakeholders and academic partners have developed a guide that outlines requirements for the deployment of a basic research and monitoring program at the Uapishka Station. The objective is to spark the interest of researchers and encourage the development of research projects.

The research requirements are based on four key areas:

  • Northern vegetation and ecosystems
  • Nitassinan: territoriality and culture
  • Nitassinan wildlife
  • Climate and hydrological monitoring

View the Research Requirements Guide (in French only)

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